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Committees and Chairs

All FLC Committee Chairs (and Co-Chairs where noted) are members of the Board of Directors. FLC members may participate on any committee. Contact Joe Smailes, FLC President, if you are interested president@forestlandowners.org.

Executive Committee
President: Joe Smailes
1st Vice President: Vacant
2nd Vice President: Russell Greenlaw
Treasurer: Carol Michener
Secretary: John Wilson
Immediate Past President: Don Beaty

Legislative/Policy Committee
Co-Chair: Matt Greene
Co-Chair: Larry Camp
Bob Berlage
Claire McAdams
Val Parik
Charll Stoneman

Membership Committee
Chair: Vacant
Russell Greenlaw
Val Parik
Charll Stoneman
Ron Ward
John Wilson

Major Contributor/Foundation/Grant Committee
Chair: Don Beaty
Jim Chapin
Claire McAdams
John Williams

Finance Committee
Chair: Carol Michener
Russell Greenlaw
Val Parik
Joe Smailes

Nominating Committee
Co-Chair: Don Beaty
Co-Chair: Jim Chapin
Carol Michener

Annual Meeting 2024 Committee
Don Beaty
Fran Belden
Ron Berryman
Larry Camp
Jim Chapin
Tom Linville
Jim Ostrowski

Communications Committee
Chair: Tom Linville
Ron Berryman
Larry Camp
Denise Levine
Claire McAdams
Val Parik
John Williams

Education Committee
Currently in conjunction with the Communications Committee

Field Day Committee
Chair: Jim Chapin
Don Beaty
Matt Greene
Carol Michener

Ad Hoc Audit Committee
Chair: Carol Michener
Larry Camp

Ad Hoc Resource Guide
Chair: Charll Stoneman
Larry Camp
Denise Levine
Carol Michener
Val Parik

Ad Hoc Strategic Plan
Chair: Charll Stoneman
Larry Camp
Jim Chapin
Val Parik

Special Assignments/Projects
Tree Farm Liaison: Fran Belden

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