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Landowner Education

It is our goal to feature landowner education opportunities on this page. The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) has a variety of education and resources available to the forest landowner. In addition, the Forest Stewardship Education Initiative is a CAL FIRE funded contract (awarded July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021) to the University of California Cooperative Extension to help landowners develop forest management plans.

University of California Cooperative Extension

UCCE’s Forest Research and Outreach website contains a wealth of information, including events, workshops, publications, etc.

UCCE Forest Research and Outreach

Forest Stewardship Education Initiative

Forest stewardship workshops are organized by the University of California Cooperative Extension in collaboration with: CAL FIRE, Forest Landowners of California, USFS Region 5, the American Forest Foundation, California Association of Resource Conservation Districts and the California Fire Safe Council.

This workshop series will help landowners develop plans to improve and protect their forest lands in an ecologically and economically sustainable manner. The workshops will address management objectives and planning, forest restoration, fuels reduction, project development, permitting, and cost-share opportunities. Participants will connect with other landowners and learn how to collect information to develop their own management plans.

Forest Stewardship Education Initiative
Outreach Flyer

Forest Stewardship

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