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This area of the website will include information a variety of information including current and archived FLC newsletters for members, along with other resources such as Classified Listings, a new Resource Guide, Advertising Opportunities, Photo Gallery, and more.

Other Sources

Looking for the contact information of a related organization? Go to this menu for a list of organizations and agencies. If there are other contacts we should include, email us at info@forestlandowers.org; or use the “Contact Us” form in the About menu.

Promote Your Products and Services by Advertising

Download/view advertising rates for publications and the webiste here.


Have an interest in purchasing land, selling land?
Have equipment for sale?
Need equipment?
Have a job opening?

Coming soon is a Classified section – members will be able to post a classified listing for free. Nonmembers can post for a nominal fee. For details on terms and conditions for posting a classified listing, please call or email Deidre Bryant, 877-326-3778, deidreb@forestlandowers.org.

Resource Guide

Do you remember the publication, “Who Will Buy Your Logs?” This publication was last available in 1998 – the information has been updated and expanded. FLC published the first edition of the new publication titled, “Resource Guide,” in 2014; and it was distributed to members at the Annual Meeting that same year and mailed to those members who were not in attendance at the Annual Meeting.  As listings change, they are updated electronically and made available to members through the website. The Resource Guide is published in hard copy every other year. The 2016 and 2018 editions were distributed to members at each of the Annual Meetings for those years and then by standard mail. The next edition will be available late fall 2022.

Photo Gallery

Submit your family photos – pictures of activities on your land, such as harvesting, logging, planting, etc. We are building a photo gallery and want to include you. Email your photos (info@forestlandowners.org) or send on a CD to the FLC office.

In this Section

Upcoming Events