The Forest Landowners of California is the only organization representing the interests of the 30,000 family forest owners in California. The State of California, of all states, has the most stringent forest practice regulations affecting private land, and more regulations are being proposed each year.
It is vital for private timberland owners to take an interest in what is happening in this bellwether state. Their financial survival is at stake. New regulations in the last few years have added substantial costs in preparation of timber harvesting plans which must be approved by the state.
Forest Landowners of California was formed in 1975 to represent the interests of the non-industrial private timberland owners. FLC has provided an increasingly stronger voice in government decisions. Members have been actively working with the California Legislature and state regulatory agencies such as the Board of Forestry on regulatory matters affecting timberland owners.
These are examples of how we help our members:
- FLC sponsored the legislation providing for Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans as enduring harvest permits, saving time and money for the private forest owner throughout the duration of his/her forest ownership.
- We offer consultations with our own knowledgeable volunteers who will answer your questions personally, offer ideas, resources and put you in contact with others who can help.
- We keep our members regularly informed through our FLC newsletters and frequent member updates, field days and our annual member's conference.
Your membership includes:
- our newsletter
- representation in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
- Educational seminars, field trips, hands-on demonstrations and meetings:
We provide our members with the very best speakers and advisors on timely topics you need in order to effectively manage and protect your property. We often meet outdoors in attractive natural settings and learn from our network of professionals, colleagues and fellow landowners. Some recent seminar and field trip topics have included:
- Forest stewardship and wildlife management
- Fire suppression and control strategies
- Estate planning and tax strategies
- Grant programs and cost share opportunities
- Latest timber harvesting techniques
- Non-forest product income opportunities
- Recreational uses of forestland
- Rural/urban interface issues and challenges
- Forest horticulture and home landscaping advice
- Mill tours and niche marketing opportunities
Membership Brochure & Application
To join, download the membership brochure, which includes the application.
If you ave questions about membership and its benefits, call the FLC office and ask for Deidre.
Active Membership
An Active member is an individual or legal entity that is a private, non-industrial forest landowner in California.
Calculating Your Dues
- Annual dues rate is based on forested acres (use chart to the right).
- Add $35 for each additional family member.
- Add $25 per member (Active primary and family member) if you want publications printed and mailed to you (newsletter, membership directory, etc.).
Associate Membership
Associate dues are $150 annually.
Associate members include consulting foresters, individual businesses that supply products and/or services to forest owners, managers of forest and ranch properties, non-landowners, etc.
Add $25 if you want publications printed and mailed to you.
Publications Mailings for Active, Family and Associate Memberships
All publications (newsletters, membership directory, etc.) that were printed and mailed in the past will now be available electronically. If you want printed publications mailed to you, please include $25 per member for printed publications.
Forested Acres | Dues Rate |
1-50 | $125 |
51-100 | $175 |
101-300 | $275 |
301-500 | $450 |
501-750 | $550 |
751-1,000 | $675 |
1,001-2,500 | $825 |
2,501-5,000+ | $925 |