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News You Can Use

USDA California News Releases

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Coast Redwood Science Symposium | 2016 Proceedings

Interesting information including two articles on bear damage, starting on page 326.


Tree Mortality Task Force Updates

Meeting notices, reports and access to other resources.

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Drought Information

Archived drought reports and other information.

On April 17, 2017, Governor Brown ended the drought state of emergency in most of California, while maintaining water reporting requirements and prohibitions on wasteful practices, such as watering during or right after rainfall.

View Website


Save Our Water

What You Should Know • What You Can Do • What's New

Save Our Water

What Does the Passage of California Proposition 19 Mean for You?

Dear FLC Members,

At a recent meeting, we briefly discussed Proposition 19 and the potential impact on estate planning.

Important Disclosure: The information contained in the link below is not intended to be legal advice or tax guidance. You should contact your tax preparer or legal counsel with questions or to seek clarification.

View the informational video discussion.
Thank you,
Claire McAdams
President, FLC


Pest Conditions Report

The Forest Pest Conditions Reports are publications of the California Forest Pest Council.

The reports date back to 1960, and they can be found here:

Pest Conditions Reports


2018 Forest Health Initiative

The California Forestry Association (Calforests) created a list of proposals that could restore forest health. Click on the link below to access their proposals and to download the full publication.

More Information

Fire on the Mountain: Rethinking the Forest Management in the Sierra Nevada

In this report, the Little Hoover Commission calls for transformational culture change in its forest management practices, including nine recommendations. More information, including the link to download the full report is located here:

Fire on the Mountain

Pacific fisher - Update

On May 16, 2020 the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has decided to not list the Pacific fisher as threatened or endangered except for the southern Sierra population. Here is the link to the document in the Federal Register.

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