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Resource Guide

resource-guide.pngWhat Is the FLC Resource Guide?

The 2016 edition of the Resource Guide, published by the Forest Landowners of California (FLC), is the second printing of the Guide. FLC is committed to publishing the Resource Guide every other year – the next printing will be in May 2018. The original publication was called, “Who Will Buy Your Logs?” which was published in 1998. The Resource Guide is compilation of mills and log buyers – personal contacts are made prior to each printing to ensure that the publication is as current as possible. If you know of changes or updates, please send the updates to staff at the FLC office (see below for contact information).

Associate members of FLC receive a complimentary listing in the Resource Guide. Associate members are individuals who provide a service or product to forest or timber landowners – consulting foresters, CPAs, appraisers, attorneys, etc.  If you know a professional service provider who should be listed in this Resource Guide, please send the information to staff at the FLC office (see below). It is our goal to expand the Resource Guide with resources that benefit the forest or timber land owners.

Send your updates, inquiries or additions to Deidre Bryant:
Email: deidreb@forestlandowners.org
Call: (877) 326-3778 • Fax: (916) 932-2209
Mail: Forest Landowners of CA, 3620 American River Drive, Suite 230, Sacramento, CA 95864

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