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Go Back in Time

If you could go back in time to when you first started improving your forest, what would you do differently?


Shaded Fuel Breaks

I know that shaded fuel breaks are an important part of protecting ones forest from wildfire, but the costs can be quite staggering. How can the costs be reduced?


Where can I get the most “bang for my buck” in the Fall time of year?

By now, you should “know the drill.” To prepare for fire season, some work needs to be done nearly every year.


With the extremely low rainfall this past winter

With the extremely low rainfall this past winter, what would be your recommendation for the best way to protect our forest from fire?


With the severe drought, I am seeing increased tree mortality.

With the severe drought, I am seeing increased tree mortality. Frequently saplings that are under the canopy of large trees. In some areas I am seeing increased mortality of mature firs and pines. I have previously been focused on thinning to reduce…


White Extrusions on Black Oaks

I have noticed some white extrusions on Black Oaks (picture attached). What could be causing that?


I have just finished scarifying brush under my shaded fuel break. What should my next steps be?


Tips for Selecting Smaller Trees to Leave During Pre-commercial Thinning


Fire and the Summer Season

When working in the forest during the summer season, what precautions should one take to prevent fire?


Archaeolgical and Historical Sites on my Property

My forester asked me what I know about archaeological/historical sites on my property. I don’t know what to look for.



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